Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Veterans Blog

What are your thoughts on murder charges during a war?
I think that the way we handle determining if a servicemen did the right thing is not ok. Since the Rules of Engagement are always changing it is not fair to the servicemen. The send them into a firefight where they either live or die, and if you live you a questioned and treated as if you did something wrong even though you were sent in to do it. You must tell a military lawyer what you did on your firefight and if one thing breaks the Rules of Engagement you are found guilty. Our soldiers are terrified and always worried about doing something against the ROE with the constant changes added to them.
Do you think citizenship is a duty or a privilege?

In a way I feel citizenship is both a duty and a privilege. It is a privilege because you are granted with rights and freedoms only because there are people across seas fighting for it. But you do have to work for your citizenship as well. You also have a duty as a citizen; if you want our veterans to be treated with the respect they deserve you need to stand up and do something about it. It takes effort and dedication to make something like this happen, it might be difficult and uncomfortable for some people to do. As a citizen you should do your part and if you want something done, don’t wait for it to happen do it yourself.

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